

Primary Sources

Shaw, Robert Gould, Colonel, and Russell Duncan. Blue-eyed Child of Fortune: The Civil War Letters of Colonel Robert Gould Shaw. University of Georgia Press pbk. ed., Athens, U of Georgia P, 1999. This book is a compilation of letters sent by Robert Gould Shaw throughout the civil war. It helped give me a greater understanding of the timeline of the 54th, as the letters contained many dates. This source provided me with the image of Shaw as a boy on the Robert Gould Shaw page, and the image of Lewis Douglas on the Rise of the 54th page.

"Union Massachusetts Volunteers." 54th Mass, Accessed 26 Jan. 2020. This site is dedicated to "preserving the history of the 54th Mass. Vol. Inf. Reg. and Black Soldiers in the Civil War." They have the best timeline of events of any of my sources, and images that really bring my project together. Thank you While this website itself is not a primary source (as the internet did not exist in the 1860s), many of the images and quotes from the site are primary sources, it is those images and quotes that I am siting, not the website itself. Some of these images include William Harvey on the Importance of the 54th Massachusetts, the image of Robert Newell on the Importance of the 54th Massachusetts page, and the image of the Battle of Olustee on the Importance of the 54th Massachusetts page. There is an additional, not primary, but artist rendering of the Battle at Fort Wagner on the Battle at Fort Wagner page.


Secondary Sources

Burchard, Peter. One Gallant Rush: Robert Gould Shaw and His Brave Black Regiment. Pbk. ed., New York, St. Martin's Press, 1989. This book was written in part by Robert Gould Shaw himself, and it was a narration of his life, a biography of sorts. It goes in-depth through Shaw's entire life and explains what he does, and why he does it. This book was a great source for fact-checking as well.

Douglass, Lewis. "'I Hope to Fall With My Face to the Foe': Lewis Douglass Describes the Battle of Fort Wagner, 1863." History Matters, 20 July 1863, Accessed 21 Jan. 2020. This is the letter Lewis Douglass sent to the woman who became his wife, Amelia. He described the battle at Fort Wagner and really emphasizes how terrible this fight was.

"The First African American Regiment." National Gallery of Art, 2019 National Gallery of Art, Accessed 4 Jan. 2020. This site depicted how my topic would be taught in a classroom, and gave me many ideas on how to teach myself the topic much more in-depth. This site helped me with some images, such as the image of the Robert Gould Shaw memorial on the Effects of the 54th page.

Freeman, Elsie, Wynell Burroughs Schamel, and Jean West. "The Fight for Equal Rights: A Recruiting Poster for Black Soldiers in the Civil War." Social Education 56, 2 (February 1992): 118-120. [Revised and updated in 1999 by Budge Weidman.] This article gave a series of events from the point of view of the Union government, with information on what bills passed and how they affected the African-American troops.

Kurtz & Allison. Storming Fort Wagner. 5 July 1890. Library of Congress, United States Government, Washington D.C. This is one of the most famous and historic paintings depicting the Battle at Fort Wagner. It shows Shaw and his colored troops fighting the confederates at the front lines. I used this on the homepage to pull in readers.

McPherson, James M. Battle Cry of Freedom. New York, Oxford UP, 2003. This book by James McPherson was very useful for information regarding how even with the formation of the 54th, the Union army was still segregated. The book went into detail on how the African-American regiments were afflicted by these actions, by both the Union and Confederacy.

Wallenfeldt, Jeff. "Robert Gould Shaw." Encyclopaedia Britannica Online, Encyclopædia Britannica, inc., 6 Oct. 2019, Accessed 4 Jan. 2020. This article helped me get some basic information on Robert Gould Shaw and helped me immensely in learning about his life.

Weidman, Budge. "Black Soldiers in the Civil War." National Archives, The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, 19 Mar. 2019, Accessed 4 Jan. 2020. This government source has records of letters that the volunteers from colored regiments sent home, which give a more personal sense of what was occurring emotionally with these people.


Tertiary Sources

Freund, John. "The True Glory of the 54th Massachusetts Regiment." Explore the Archive, Accessed 28 Jan. 2020. This site provided me with the image of the 54th Massachusetts lined up, which is located on the Rise of the 54th page.

Holzer, Harold. "Emancipation Proclamation." World Book Advanced, World Book, 2020, Accessed 4 Jan. 2020. This database gave me information on the Emancipation Proclamation and the events leading up to the creation of the proclamation, and how Lincoln changed his policies to end slavery.

Kuryla, Peter. "54th Regiment." Encyclopædia Britannica, 3 Sept. 2017, Accessed 4 Jan. 2020. This great site has a lot of information on the topic and is reliable.

Woodworth, Steven E. "Fort Wagner, Battle of." World Book Advanced, World Book, 2020, Accessed 4 Jan. 2020. This source gave me information on the Battle of Fort Wagner, which was an essential time period for the 54th Massachusetts, and it was a very helpful source for basic information on the battle.

Woodworth, Steven. "54th Massachusetts." World Book Advanced, Accessed 5 Nov. 2019. Worldbook is an exceptionally reliable source that I use for almost all of my projects. It has reliable information, mainly on general facts on the topic.


Uncategorized Sources

"Inflation Calculator." Official Data, Official Data Foundation, Accessed 12 Jan. 2020. This site helped me roughly calculate the Shaw family net worth to how much they would be worth in today's money.

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